Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Jury Duty

Today, I got to perform my civil duty and serve on a jury...sort of.  The defendant didn't show up, so the judge had to issue a bench warrant for his arrest. (I am SO glad I am not him!) So, I got to go home about 9:30 AM.  Thank goodness Randy was home from work today to watch our child.  I don't know what I would have done if this trial had gone on for a couple of days (which they were expecting).  I do have to say that I am a little disappointed.  I was kind of excited to be on a jury during a real trial.  But, there's always next time!!!


Jenni Elyse said...

Lucky you! I'd be grateful that it didn't last very long. I'm not sure how I'd react if I had to do jury duty. I know I'd try to get out of it, anyway.

Beth said...

Jury duty is really kind of interesting. It is so not like Law and Order! But you do recognize the fact that the attorneys are playing up to you, so that you will vote their way!

Without people like us, the court system would not work at all!

Deon said...

A couple of summers ago I called up to do federal jury duty in an extremely well known and well publicized case that was to last for two weeks. Jury selection took two full days . . . I was so relieved to be dismissed at the end of the second day.

Pieces of Us said...

That would be fun, but not something I would want to last very long! Good job for being such a gRRReat civilian! Haha (I feel like Tony the Tiger now...haha)

Nate and Sarah said...

Yuck! Nate had to do jury duty once...at the time, it totally blew. But once he went, he thought it was pretty cool. Hey, thanks for all the cute comments you leave on my blogs! Makes me feel good that someone out there reading them!

chelsea mckell said...

ya know, I think I would enjoy jury duty too. I'd love to help be responsible for putting scum bag criminals behind bars. But then again, I'd hate sitting around all day. My mom has been called in for jury duty twice but got herself dismissed by making racist comments (she's not racist at all - just wanted to appear that way so she wouldn't be considered an unbiased citizen)